Vulcan Anvil Program

Vulcan Startup Foundry was started to empower BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled, female, veteran, low-income, older, and other marginalized or under-served entrepreneurs to create, launch, and grow successful businesses through seminars, programming, individualized consulting, and exposure to potential investors. We believe all startup founders deserve a seat at the table but recognize that under-served entrepreneurs often face multiple institutional and accessibility challenges in building startups, most notably in securing traditional startup financing. We are dedicated to helping create a more equitable playing field, and to helping our participants navigate the challenges of building successful startups.

Participation on our virtual platform is available for all Anvil programming and mentoring.

Group Programming

Group programming, including seminars, speakers, and workshops makes up a core part of the Anvil program. With a focus on critical startup elements, our programming is designed to equip participants with the foundation for a successful and long-lasting business. Sample topics include:

Individual Mentoring

Individual mentoring, which includes regularly scheduled private sessions with Vulcan Mentors, as well as industry-specific Advisors as needed, allows us to spend focused time with each participant and advise on what’s happening with their business right now. Our Mentors and Advisors meet with each Anvil participant a minimum of once per week, to offer targeted advice, guidance, and assistance based on each participant’s phase of development. Individual mentoring gives participants time to delve further into specifics one-on-one with our experienced mentors and advisors, relating what they’re learning in the group programs to their projects. This allows us to help participants address specific problems that they may be currently facing, for example coming to an agreement among co-founders on their equity participation, or translating their ideas into concise, compelling, and investor-oriented language in their business plan.

Connecting with Potential Investors

Vulcan recognizes that sourcing appropriate and adequate capital funding is one of the most difficult, often insurmountable, challenges faced by under-served entrepreneurs. Vulcan will work with each of its Anvil participants to guide them through four key milestones:

  1. Build adequate infrastructure and documentation, such as creating business plans, website and other online presence, basic contract documentation, and corporate documentation
  2. Working prototype (where applicable)
  3. Financials
  4. Pitch deck for potential investors

When participants have completed these milestones, we will develop opportunities for them to present directly to appropriate potential investors.

Resourcing Professional Services

Under-served entrepreneurs frequently find it difficult to obtain adequate legal, accounting, and other professional services for their projects. Vulcan helps to bridge this gap by providing Anvil participants with connections to resources who are ready to provide professional quality pro bono (no cost) and low bono (reduced cost) legal and accounting services, as well as other applicable professional services.

Ready to get started?