Frequently Asked Questions

To start, click on the button below to submit an eligibility application. The current estimated application review time is 2 weeks and eligible applicants will have an interview with our Mentor team.

Is this program free? Is there a cost?

Vulcan Startup Foundry is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All of our programs, including the Anvil Program, are free to all enrolled participants.

Can you help with legal and accounting matters?

While some members of our Mentor team are lawyers, we are not a law firm or accounting firm and do not advise directly on legal or accounting matters. However, we will work with you to connect to professional quality pro bono (no cost) or low bono (reduced cost) legal and accounting services.

Will Vulcan receive equity in my company?

No. Unlike a traditional accelerator/incubator program, Vulcan does not take equity or any other ownership interest in your company or project.

What kind of startups do you work with?

All kinds! Eligible participants must be in the U.S. but come from all industries. Priority is given to participants in California.

What stage does my project need to be at?

We will consider eligible applicants in all stages of project development.

How long is the Anvil program?

With participants’ dedicated time and effort, the Anvil program is designed to run for approximately 12 weeks. However, this will vary depending on the specific project and stage of development.

How much is the Hammer Grant?

Grant award amounts will vary depending on the approved application and are intended to provide funding for pre-investor early operating expenses.

Ready to get started?